RubberRoll™ Fitness / Weight Room Flooring

RubberRoll™ is a prefabricated 4’ wide roll contructed of recycled rubber with EPDM color flecks. Regularly used in weight rooms, RubberRoll™ is also well suited for fitness areas, cardio rooms, spinning rooms and athletic performance training centers.

The many color options available will readily coordinate with color schemes and equipment. Moose RubberRoll™ is an economical way to enhance fitness rooms and is durable enough to hold up to high use and heavy weights.


  1. Recycled Rubber
  2. EPDM Rubber Color Flecks
  3. Adhesive Layers


RubberRoll™ standard thickness is 8mm in all colors. 6mm thickness is also available in black, 10% blue fleck, 10% grey fleck 20% blue fleck and 20% grey fleck.

Standard Colors

*Colors shown are approximations.